Season 7 opens with Phoebe';s apartment been fixed, but is rebuilt with only one large bedroom instead of the original two, so Rachel decides to stay with Joey.
Cox is undoubtedly the MVP of this particular stretch of episodes, as she manages to find the right balance between comedically Type A and gratingly OCD.
Monica and Chandler getting immensely pleasing, with their vows to each other a particular tear jerker. On top of that, though, comes the big revelation to end the episode and the season.
Season seven was mixed, to say the least. It had some highlights...and is pretty consistently funny, but...there are no episodes that particularly stand out as brilliant.
This [finale] is the beginning of arguably one of the best long-running story arcs: Rachel's pregnancy, cleverly revealed at the end of a heart-touching episode after Phoebe covers for her, claiming Barbra Streisand's husband is the father of her baby.