After 50 years, the BBC determines to regenerate the lost serial of The Power of the Daleks for new age. It follows a new doctor confronting a ruthless old rival and he must find the way to prevent his dangerous conspiracy.
Critics Of "Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks - Season 1"
Pete Dillon-Trenchard
Den of Geek
November 22, 2016
The Power Of The Daleks is a classic in every sense, and in its political intrigue and the way it handles the Daleks -- not as shrieking grunts but as intelligent, scheming creatures -- it feels strangely contemporary.
What the series offers is a handsomely animated, charmingly nostalgic adventure that, in a very Doctor-like fashion, grants audiences the ability to see the past come to life again in a whole new way.
The animation can only capture a shadow of what made this story so special, but a shadow of something like The Power Of The Dalek is still well worth seeking out, all the more so for the remarkable nature of its resurrection.
Although the audience isn't quite led by the hand, the pace is slower, more measured; tropes are more often explained rather than set down, and the action is sometimes contrived. That said, there's a satisfyingly mysterious tone to "Power".