The series uncovers the trials and tribulations of discovering one’s self-identity while in a college setting, focusing on six of the students and staff at Coal Hill Academy, dealing with alien threats.
What it lacks in monsters though, Class makes up for in good intentions. That's not intended as damning with faint praise. Representation matters and Class is doing a proper job of reflecting 2016 in a way that far too many shows still don't.
Though it doesn't break the mold when it comes to teen genre series, Class is nevertheless a worthy companion to the Who universe. And there's nothing Doctor Who loves more than a good companion.
It's true that Class has the diverse, beautiful look of a modern series, and tries to walk that effortlessly self-aware path that much of the best modern genre television does so well. But unfortunately for Doctor Who fans, it rarely comes close.
Indeed, if the prime goal of a spin-off is to capture the spirit of its source show whilst simultaneously standing on its own too feet, Class has already ensured Torchwood has been well and truly schooled.