We live in a series of exciting dramatic events through the second season which seems completely different. Season 2 begins with Carrie, who has been barred from seeing her children. On the other hand, Job, Lucas, Sugar and Carrie steal an armored truck, and Carrie Hopewell was sentenced to 30 days in jail and the tension between Longshadow and Proctor continues to peak, and the return of abusive former Kelly's husband to the city seems to have consequences Extreme.
If, amidst all the fisticuffs, high-speed robberies, and squirrel crushing Banshee can discover and show the audience what it is about these characters that makes them want to choose one life over the other, then season 2 might just top the first.
While the premiere is a little too weighed down by table clearing and setting to deliver the show's usual volume of titillation and fireworks, what is present provides a good reminder of what it is that Banshee does best
We should be celebrating Season 2. Banshee took a noticeable leap in quality over its last 10 episodes, and this finale was a lovely culmination of its primary storyline, but also of all the great things the show did this season.
An explosion of sex or violence, or both, will get you through any dull parts. And like the first season, you don't have to wait long for that to happen.
The beauty of Banshee comes from its compelling storytelling but also from its layered and complex characters, each of them continually being fleshed out.
.. a heist or robbery in most every episode, dynamic and gritty action scenes with visceral and at times gruesome violence, and plenty of nudity and sex: all those exploitation elements that the movies have ceded to pay cable TV.
This Cinemax series knows it's crazy. It delights in its trashiness, its pulpiness. There's lots of crazy violence. There's lots of crazy sex. There are lots of crazy gunfights. The actors... are crazy hot.