The film is about Monte Kessler, a graduate student struggling to get his program. Monti seems to be convinced that his thesis will make him graduate with honors from Harvard University. In the end, Monti finds himself at the mercy of the demands of a homeless man, a man holding the hostages' papers.
A politically correct, vastly sentimental and ultimately insincere saga of the friendship between a kind homeless man, played by Joe Pesci, and a guilt-ridden Harvard student, played byBrendan Frazer.
One of the few films I've ever walked out on. Pesci and Fraser serve up unsympathetic and grating characters.
Low IQ Canadian
July 05, 2004
Do you amuse me, Joe Pesci? No, you do not.
July 25, 2003
Well meaning drama but oversimplifies a lot and plays the death card too easily.
Sin Magazine
May 23, 2012
This movie is predictable from scene one, though that wouldn't be a problem if it had a good script, good performances and solid direction. But it doesn't.