The movie follows the story of a housewife after her marriage is separated. In those moments, Beverly Hills housewife named Phyllis Nefler tries to self-esteem. Now, it looks like she's going a different way by leading a local band from Wilderness Girls to discover she's not easy to buy.
It's a treat (and necessity) not only for youngish gay boys, but for anyone who enjoys campy good fun with the added bonus of watching dominant cultural values self-destruct.
Troop Beverly Hills is a fizzled farce...lightweight and inconsequential to boot. Clearly, it's about as comically crunchy as a box of smashed girl scout cookies
Reel Film Reviews
August 11, 2008
...the film eventually does wear out its welcome due primarily to its wildly uneven structure and Jeff Kanew's ostentatiously '80s directorial choices.
Instead of being a merciless evisceration of the lifestyles of the rich, it's a little morality play in which Long transforms herself into a warm and useful person. Nobody within a mile of this project seems to have possessed an ounce of irony.