An extraordinary soup kitchen in Milan - the Refettorio Ambrosiano - run by internationally renowned chef Massimo Bottura and 40 of the world's best chefs including Ferran Adria, Rene Redzepi, Alain Ducasse, Daniel Humm and many others. All food served was made from the food waste of Expo Milano 2015. The film also tells the compelling story of several of the refugees and homeless the Refettorio served.
The film also takes times to chronicle the refugees, addicts and other unfortunate folk who are the beneficiaries of this high-class soup kitchen... their individual stories adds a welcome layer to what might otherwise be a one-note doc.
If most of us are paying attention to our food (one way or another) those actually making the stuff ought to start paying a different kind of attention, as well - if only for the length of a world's fair.