Driving by their deep will of saving the world, Vincent, two smart programmers, who fall in love with one another during working on an invention, who have to face the government that steal their invention to create a robotic weapon.
The Machine brings little new to the subject save for an ominously ambiguous conclusion about the consequences of making computers more advanced than their human masters.
The film is ambitious visually, in spite of its small budget, and while not all of the effects come off, it's hard to hold that against an indie production like this.
"The Machine" works modestly well, but still wobbles trying to balance its "thinking man's sci-fi" aspirations against the need to placate less adventurous fans via standard action content.
With many writers and directors keen to give a look at a future ravaged by impending war, it's a breath of fresh air when someone shows an evolutionary leap towards harmony.
Machine retains a dynamic presence, with interesting futureworld ideas sharply realized by writer/director Caradog W. James, who submits quite a cinematic vision for next to no production money.
The first hour's setup of "The Machine" is better than the threadbare guns-blazing action payoff, but the exceptionally fine work of Caity Lotz commands attention.