The Legend of Tarzan is a 2016 American adventure film following the life of Tarzan outside the jungle of Africa, how he explored London and the danger that lurks around.
A story with banal characters and wasted performances that falls into terrible paternalism, has a tangled action and it's poor and repetitive. [Full review in Spanish]
The plot of the classic adventure tale has been admirably reconfigured to meet modern sensibilities, but the resulting film is simplistic, condescending, and inert.
This Tarzan is a corrective, a vengeful Congo Unchained that reteams Jackson and Waltz. Yates mines Zirconium Tarantino, even letting Jackson cackle while blasting a machine gun
You have to laugh a little at its audaciousness, but it's so completely irony-free that to deride it would only be cheap. Why not just enter its CGI-heavy bubble of wonder?