The cruel divine force of haziness, usurps Egypt's royal position and dives the prosperous domain into disorder and struggle. Wanting to spare the world and safeguard his genuine romance, a rebellious mortal named Bek shapes an improbable cooperation with the capable god Horus. Their fight against Set and his partners in crime brings them into eternity and over the sky for an epic showdown.
Granted, there's really no good reason for this nonsense to last over two hours; there's probably no good reason for it to exist at all beyond garnering Alex Proyas a long-overdue paycheck. But here it is, and it's actually pretty fun.
It clearly seems to have been made with the desire of making something of quality that just fails spectacularly, and there are definitely some unintentionally laughable moments -- actually a lot of them.
It's tempting to dismiss Gods of Egypt as the most perfectly bad film I've ever seen. But that's not fair. It's perfectly itself - a bizarre, yet cohesive, construction.
If one is going to make special effects the focus of a movie, they need to be good special effects, and that's not the case here. Proyas' ideas are never fully translated from imagination to screen.
Gods of Egypt gets lost in its own budget, constantly shooting to outdo its visual grandeur but forgetting to lend it any depth. But there's a mad ambition at work.
Sometimes Gods of Egypt has fascinatingly go-for-broke visuals. Other times, 1997 Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush... glowers on his boat in space between breaks fighting chaos, as represented by a toothy cloud worm.