John Connor is the lone survivor after the unsuccessful attack on Skynet. He learns that Skynet is involved in creating a new model T-800. John must follow his mother orders which she has left him via recording to bring Kyle to Earth. Now Marcus and John needs to team up together to defend Kyle and humans from the machines.
Everything that made the Terminator films great is absent in this film. The violence, the terror, the basic fear is gone ... In this film, children defeat a terminator.
That the film's overall basic point has already been conveyed by the closing lines of T2 some 18 years ago shows just how completely superfluous this cash grab is.
Once the screeching din has died down, you won't recall a single line of dialogue, note of music or plot point that wasn't punctuated with an explosion.
Missing is Cameron's signature action modification, best exploited in Aliens: the strapping female heroine. McG's testosterone-juiced world feels a little doomed without her.