Sequel to the Death space station ruin, Episode V of the star wars episode follows the escape of Luke, in his quest to find Jedi Yoda. The rebels are under the siege of Darth Vader
It is hard to place one's affections anywhere in a world which is ruled by buttons and dials, computers and bleeps, and people whose conversation is... technical, inaudible or dull.
Despite a couple of drawbacks, the Empire Strikes Back is an immense amount of fun -- big and splashy and breathtaking in its display of cinematic genius by a huge group of marvelously talented people.
It is technically even more proficient [than Star Wars], has virtually the same ingredients and bursts forth into a world that still seems ripe for its special blend of nostalgically simple story-telling and complicated technology.
The Empire Strikes Back is no bland derivative. It has all the freshness and exuberance of an original. A marvellous space fantasy full of dazzling spectacle, exciting adventure, strange creatures and the mythic clash between good and evil.
The Empire may not top Star Wars, but it certainly makes one look forward to whatever new surprises George Lucas and his band of cinematic wizards can conjure up for us.
The Empire Strikes Back is the ultimate in fantasies, a visual wonder and a movie that should be recommended highly if only because it makes you feel good.