The film tells the story of a young woman named Maggie Hayward. She was sentenced to death after a policeman was killed during a failed robbery. While awaiting trial, a government agent called Bob, who wants her to join the secret assassination team, called her. Now wake up to find herself an unwilling recruit in a government organization. She still plays hard to get it but it comes in the end. After being trained, she must now put it into practice - killing people, all the time. In order to live a completely normal life.
An okay remake of the better LA FEMME NIKITA. Captures the spirit, but not the intensity.
Chris Hicks
Deseret News, Salt Lake City
January 01, 2000
Point of No Return is violent, loud, profane, angry, nasty and, in terms of its plot, often quite ridiculous. In other words, it has all the makings of a box office hit.