Boldly reimagining Kathryn Bigelow's cult favorite as a movie where absolutely nobody seems to be having any fun, the new Point Break drops the original's Zen-like balance of macho mysticism and camp in favor of dour humorlessness.
Tedious and overblown - as though the filmmakers were so preoccupied with "updating" the material that they forgot what made it so popular in the first place.
Nowhere does Mr. Core's film approach the action-movie chops or psychological smarts of Ms. Bigelow's original or, truth be told, benefit from actors displaying the same charm as her stars.
Colossally ugly lifestyle porn, managing to make towering Alpine peaks, severely blue Mediterranean waves, and the profound greens of the Mexican jungle all look equally filthy.
While the stunts are impressive, they lack the impact needed to make Point Break memorable - to make it more than just a misguided mimicry. It ends up being just that.