In order to bring a monkey from the space, an astronaut lands on the planet, where apes inhabitant it, the thing that turns down their lives, as he has been captured by those evil apes, who want to kill humans, but he receives help from a kind heart ape, who loves humans and want to help them.
Call it a letdown, worsened by the forces of shoddy screenwriting.
Looking Closer
December 06, 2004
While Edward Scissorhands could have come from no other imagination, Apes could have been directed by any action director and come out fairly similar to this.
Toronto Star
July 27, 2001
Works equally well as a popcorn adrenaline-heart-pumper as it does a pop-philosophical inquiry into the nature of humanity.
October 05, 2006
Burton's singular vision is missing from this mishmash of a remake, part sci-fi, part adventure, part ape-human romance, but unsatisfying on any level. Mark Wahlberg's pallid turn doesn't help and neither does the PG-13 rating which proves confining