In new documentary scenes, we present a realistic view of Hervé Jean-Pierre Feldchitz, a French-born actor and painter known for his role as an evil sequelist Nick Nack in James Bond's 1974 film. In addition to his participation in many famous works such as television series Fantasia Island.
The jokey-sounding title does a bit of a disservice to My Dinner With Herve, an HBO movie worth seeing solely for Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage's portrayal of Herve Villechaize.
[Dinklage's] remarkable wordless reaction is at once sheepish, knowing, proud and embarrassed. Like a well-shot arrow, that instant of self-awareness pierces the uneven narrative, straight to the broken heart.
But the film is mostly a dance between Dinklage and Dornan, who rises to the occasion and gives the best performance of his career as a man struggling to hang on to his sobriety even as he's dragged through a hell of Los Angeles.
Engaging, funny, insightful, and in possession of Dinklage's best work since The Station Agent, My Dinner With Hervé is a reservation one shouldn't pass up.
Dinklage excels in a very difficult role to pull off while Dornan keeps pace as his reluctant Boswell. Their love story, is both an entertaining romp and a cautionary tale.