Moving into a new city of Mansfield where his aunt married to a successful writer named Sir Thomas, whose younger son, Edmond falls in love with her, Fanny Prince, a young beautiful and intelligent girl, who struggle against having a comfortable and stable life, so she has to make her best decision in choosing her partner.
Wonderful book adaptation with strong female character.
Chicago Tribune
January 01, 2000
Spins the most interesting modern re-interpretation of the Austen canon.
Palo Alto Weekly
May 14, 2003
...busy nothings add up to motion picture somethings in one of the year's most charming films.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
January 01, 2000
This Mansfield Park becomes a kind of romanticized gloss -- an imaginative grad-student thesis that melds author and character.
Reeling Reviews
April 09, 2005
While Mansfield Park doesn't boast the high calibre Hollywood star wattage and gloss of Sense and Sensibility, it offers a more thought-provoking viewpoint.
While this version plays somewhat fast and loose with the original story, and even more so with the heroine's character, it is still much more Jane Austen than not.