In an attempt to save Washington from destruction, MavGruber, a young courageous soldier, who after the death of his wife, decides to stay away from violence, has to return to track down a criminal that steals a nuclear warhead.
Some of these two minute sketches look a little thin at 87 to 92 minutes.
Film Threat
October 15, 2010
My advice? Wear gloves, a surgical mask, and get the proper inoculations before entering the theatre. It's the first sexually transmitted comedy of the year.
While it would be unfair to saddle MacGruber with the "worst SNL movie of all-time" moniker (I can think of at least two that are more painful to endure), its place on the vaunted 2010 Worst 10 list is assured.
MacGruber is by no means a work of genius, or a piece of art, or even very good. But Forte and company have managed to make crude and lewd dunderheadedness laugh-out-loud funny here and there, and that, I guess, is something of an achievement.