With their lives messed up and annoying, four friends decides to spend the night out drinking their hearts away while in a ski resort bathe tub. Problem is they wake up to find themselves in the year 1986.
You might not fall out of your seat laughing, but the film is consistently enjoyable from start to the very clever and amusing finish and with its brisk 93 minutes, it's worth taking a dip in this tub.
Like most guy-centric films these days, this film is ragingly homophobic and misogynistic, and you know what? These are some of the best parts. It is a testament to the wit of the writers and the charisma of the cast that we are never turned off.
What Hot Tub Time Machine critically lacks is any sense of wit in its humour. Vomit, urination, male nudity and gay panic jokes take up a large amount of the film's time.
Well played, Hot Tub Time Machine, well played. You defied expectations, in a good way, and managed to evolve from "potentially silly concept" to "fairly funny film."