The film revolves around Danny Madigan who feels comfortable watching action movies. Danny seems to be happy when the films show Los Angeles police officer Jack Slater. With the help of a magic ticket, this young man is transferred to the fictional world of his cinematic character he always loves.
It makes more than its share of missteps, yet the core of this action lampoon delivers a decent portion of laughs and mischief, giving Schwarzenegger and McTiernan an occasion to make fun of themselves while raising a little hell.
Driven less by mammoth ego and more by wild, unchecked id, "Last Action Hero" works as a riotous comedy and a rigorous case study of why we go to the movies. It's an inventive valentine made timeless by audacious shamelessness and shameless audacity.
Even if this intermixing of kid fantasy and adult shoot'em-up, Hollywood insider jokes and cheap Arnold puns, doesn't completely bowl you over, it's clever and intriguing.