The romantic comedy follows a rising journalist who will have to give an irresponsible slacker a chance to prove his self worth after she took in for him.
The year's best comedy; one that confirms the arrival of an extended group of talent that looks set to take the studio comedy crown from the likes of Ferrell, Stiller and Carrey.
The jokes, which are in the absolute poorest taste, remain hilarious, while a newer, deeper humanism, sensed in momentary flashes in the earlier film, is now fully on display.
Willamette Week
July 08, 2014
[Apatow] makes responsibility and commitment funny; no mean feat.
Although this story about a mismatched couple expecting a baby strains credibility and sometimes pushes the limits of good taste, it delivers plenty of belly laughs.
Paste Magazine
August 03, 2013
With sparkling performances from Rogen and Heigl, Apatow once again shows his sharp eye for talent and continuing knack for hits.
Hilarious from moment to moment, but leaving behind both a warm glow and a sting. This is a picture that refuses to fetishize either the ability to conceive or the significance of our place in the universe once we've done so.
Knocked Up isn't going to help change the world or anything, but at the very least it may help take one's mind off the relentlessly dismal headlines. I don't know what greater service a mere movie can perform these days.