I know it's all supposed to be tongue in cheek and lots of fun, but frankly this turned my stomach.
September 28, 2012
If you want to get serious, you could say that Kick-Ass is the movie that could finally drag comic-books into the credible mainstream. But being serious is to miss the point of Kick-Ass completely.
If you're not too put-off by lots of violence and profanity, and enjoy a good action-filled popcorn flick, then chances are you're going to love "Kick-Ass."
With its electrifying action sequences, a killer storyline and a maverick comic sensibility, the brilliance of Kick Ass will hit those who want to see it like a thunderbolt.
When filmmakers nudge a child into viewing savagery as slapstick, are we not allowing them to do what we condemn in the pornographer -- that is, to coarsen and inflame?
Where do I stand on Kick-Ass? On the fence, goggling with a mix of appalled fascination and guilty pleasure at the film's dark comedy and over-the-top violence.