The film revolves around Terry Griffiths, who lost her writing competition at her high school. She is convinced that the reason is that she is a girl and cannot always be taken care of. Terry decided to have a strange experience when she moved to another school and appear as a boy, but Terry gets more than she negotiated in that school. Terry faces bullying, but a female fan admires her.
Most of the male-female situations Terry finds herself in are played for laughs, and the film eventually sinks into an all too typical conclusion, but the observations regarding the nature of sexuality are interesting and well handled.
The film is a bit too fashion conscious to make a very strong point about appearances not meaning anything.
Movie Eye
June 20, 2004
Innocuous and highly-spirited screwball comedy about changing genders in a zany nod for advancement. Gottlieb's nutty narrative is inspired in its cheap laughs
April 02, 2005
Innocuously likable little mini-Tootsie.
November 19, 2004
Just One of the Guys is worth repeated viewing, especially for Hyser's hilarious and charismatic performance.
Joyce Hyser, affecting a lower register, a short haircut, and a subtle swagger, is not totally convincing as a boy because she's too pretty and too chic.