In 1948, a US court in occupied Germany began trying four Nazi judges for war crimes. During this period, Haywood Court President began hearing more evidence and testimonies not only from the main suspect Ernst Janning and his lawyer, Hans Rolf, but also from the widow of the Nazi General, the ideal US Army commander as this case was highly controversial.
There are no surprises in the direction, and Abby Mann's screenplay plays the expected tunes, but there's enough conviction on display to reward a patient spectator.
In the grand tradition of courtroom dramas, Nuremberg has the distinction of being probably the most "important" of them all - even if it's not the most blatantly entertaining
Abordando o complexo tema com honestidade, inteligência e humanidade, esta obra-prima repleta de atuações inesquecíveis é um atestado da capacidade do Cinema em servir não só como retrato de nossa História, mas como profunda reflexão sobre a mesma.
Decent Films Guide
February 11, 2006
A rare cinematic exploration of the messy, difficult aftermath of evaluating culpability, not only for the Nazi masterminds, but also for innumerable officials and functionaries…
A tpical Stanley Kramer's film: Serious (even pompous) and humanist, but essentially middlebrow, courtroom drama that while well-acted is too verbose and fearful of taking sides in the controversy over who's to blame for the Nazi atrocities.