The film is about a police officer who promises to share his lottery ticket with a waitress. Instead of classified information, this officer seems to be working to change the situation as 4 million dollars surprisingly won the lottery.
Though set at present, this schmaltzy romantic comedy might as well have been set in the 1950s or even 1930s, because at heart it's a Capra comedy celebrating the decency of the "little people."
Simply and without pandering or insults to your intelligence, the movie delivers more of the old-style pleasures of moviegoing than any other picture in a long while.
Bergman never goes for heavy-handed schmaltz, and the whole movie has the same lighthearted big city spirit as the New York Post headlines that follow the story.
Pleasant rags-to-bitches tale, with Fonda shining.
TV Guide
September 18, 2008
Writer Jane Anderson is a gifted scenarist who seems constrained by a Hollywood formula which places the happy romantic ending on the horizon like a beacon to stare at for nearly two hours.