INDIVISIBLE is the extraordinary true story of Army Chaplain Darren Turner and his wife Heather. When war etches battle scars on their hearts, they face one more battle: the fight to save their marriage. One marriage, one family, under God.
Although the film has a few battle sequences, it portrays soldiers as sensitive men and women with complex feelings who depend on each other for emotional support as they ponder the philosophical ramifications of death.
What's refreshing about "Indivisible," co-written by Evans, Cheryl McKay and Peter White, is the way it balances the narratives of the troops away at war and the family members who stay at home.
Indivisible is a powerful reminder of what our armed forces and their families do for us. We stand in their debt. It will bless your days with the recognition, humility, and gratitude that our freedoms are not to be taken for granted.