This film tells of Connor MacLeod, who lives a strange tragedy in his life after his wife died. Connor decided to migrate far from the highlands in Scotland, where he wandered around the world and arrived in Japan. In Japan, Connor meets the famous magician Nakano, where the two adversaries travel through time to find the ability to trace more illusions and create strange paths in their lives.
How tough could it be to make a "Highlander" that makes sense?
Stephen Holden
New York Times
May 20, 2003
How could an action-adventure film that cost $34 million, most of which clearly went into pyrotechnics, computerized special effects and scenic locations, end up looking cheap, silly and lifeless?
Marc Savlov
Austin Chronicle
January 01, 2000
This is the end of the Highlander series, they say. Not an eon too soon.