With the Vietnam War raging in 1969, two young fathers report for duty. A man of great faith and a doubtful cynic. A quarter-century later, their sons, Wayne and John Paul, meet as strangers. Guided by letters handwritten from their fathers from the battlefield, they embark onan unforgettable journey to The Wall-the Vietnam Veteran Memorial in Washington, D.C. Along the way, they discover the devestation of war cannot break the love of a father for his son.
A clumsily told story of friendship and wartime remembrance that has a tough time serving up a halfway believable moment, let alone a moving and powerful testimony about the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
It's obnoxious, to say the least, to use the Vietnam War as an excuse to affirm the importance of telling all and sundry about Jesus at all times (i.e., "testifying"), under all circumstances.