Six high-school students are warned they will meet with particularly nasty deaths if they fail to forward a chain e-mail. And the warning turns out to be more than what they beg for when they refuse to forward it.
The Anti-Social Network, and a stylishly creepy invasion of privacy cyber-thriller, despite an overabundance of cheesy gore. As anti-online techie terrorists go about homicidally deleting digital junkies everywhere, with You've Got Mauled deranged glee.
One M1ssed Call meets Final Destination in this formulaic but fun gore-fest. In case you are wondering, there are chains. And letters. [it] is about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but that works in this mushy, gushy milieu.
I've watched hundreds of movies - no, make that thousands - on the big screen. 'Chain Letter' has the dubious distinction of being the only movie I've ever seen that had no recognizable ending.