Superhero film based on the Marvel Comics, Captain America: Stephen Rogers a rejected military soldier changes into Captain America after taking dosage of a 'Super-Soldier serum'. Be that as it may, been Captain America includes some significant pitfalls as he endeavors to bring down a war hawks.
Kudos, then, to the creators of Captain America's big-screen blockbuster for keeping the action rooted in the past; except for some brief present-day bookends.
Comic book fans are likely to appreciate Captain America, which does a good job of consolidating the disparate origin aspects of the character into something easily digestible.
This has definitely been the summer of the superhero film. I'd put this one just below X-Men: First Class, but above Green Lantern and well above Thor.
Captain America's a superhero due to a super serum, but he looks cool, has cool moves, and flings his shield with bombast, thus making America great again, and safe again.