Born Yesterday focus on Tycoon Harry Brock. He descends upon Washington D.C. to buy himself a congressman or two, bringing with him his mistress, ex-showgirl Billie Dawn. Brock hires newspaperman Paul Verrall to see if he can soften her rough edges and make her more presentable in capital society. But...
More firm in its social implications than ever it was on the stage and blessed with a priceless performance by rocketing Judy Holliday, this beautifully integrated compound of character study and farce made a resounding entry at the Victoria yesterday.
January 15, 2005
Fun and funny, with some fabulous verbal sparring.
TV Guide
January 11, 2008
The highlight of this lively Garson Kanin Broadway comedy is the most delightful 'dumb blonde' to ever grace the screen...
The moment Judy Holliday opens her mouth at and screeches "Whaaaaaaat????" in a thick New York accent it is hard to not fall in love with George Cukor's Born Yesterday.
By the timer Kanin's play was made into a film, the work has lost some of its political bite, and the last reel is too preachy for a comedy, but make no mistake, as the dumb blonde Judy Holliday is brilliant.