The movie revolves around Mark Twain's famous literary characters by Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. They can be imagined as big men today, while little criminal Hack Finn hopes to leave his criminal life but the corrupt policeman, Tom Sawyer tries to drag him into a new framework of criminal life and his life may turn into a different path.
Don't be surprised to hear more from the Nee brothers in the future, especially if Adam Nee continues his fine work in front of the camera as well. They clearly are a talented duo.
This comic take on "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is infused with a gleefully absurdist sense of humor while retaining a childlike sense of wonder.
The filmmakers have described "Band of Robbers" as fan fiction, and that feels about right: They don't quite hit the mark, but it's fun to watch them trying.
Band of Robbers is full of deep references to the books, but also stands on its own as a fresh and occasionally touching take on the "overambitious young schmucks decide to do some crimes and get in over their heads."