Though Egoyan, as usual, frequently strains credibility he at least manages to weave all of this into a fairly absorbing detective story that explores the roots and damaging implications of prejudice with unexpected grace.
In Atom Egoyan's disconcerting and unpredictable Adoration, a young man's attempt to make sense of himself and his family's history turns strange when his re-imagined version of that history becomes a combustible topic for online chatter.
August 09, 2010
A chilly intellectualism sucks the dramatic life out of Canadian auteur Atom Egoyan's Adoration.
Uneven enigmatic social drama that's framed like an imaginative mystery story.
Time Out
February 02, 2010
Unfortunately the elaborately unspooled plot delivering these ideas in dramatic form is so scraggy and effortful it defeats the cast and rather compromises our involvement.