Shaun Cassidy has written and/or produced a number of critically acclaimed television series over the last two decades including "American Gothic" (produced with Sam Raimi), "Roar" (starring a then unknown Heath Ledger), "Cold Case," "Cover Me," "The Agency," and "Invasion." Shaun recently...
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Shaun Cassidy has written and/or produced a number of critically acclaimed television series over the last two decades including "American Gothic" (produced with Sam Raimi), "Roar" (starring a then unknown Heath Ledger), "Cold Case," "Cover Me," "The Agency," and "Invasion." Shaun recently wrote and executive produced the pilot "Hysteria" for Amazon and is currently serving as executive producer and writer for the forthcoming "Emerald City" on NBC.A former actor and singer, Shaun grew up in Los Angeles and New York City. While still in high school, he signed a recording contract with Warner Brothers. This led to three million-selling albums and a handful of top ten hits. Almost concurrently, Shaun starred on the ABC television series "The Hardy Boys Mysteries." Numerous arena tours blanketed this period, but by the time Shaun did his final concert, for 55,000 people at the Houston Astrodome, he was already thinking about moving beyond performing.While working in the theater (Shaun starred in a National tour of "Mass Appeal" with Milo O'Shea, "Bus Stop" in the West End of London, and "Blood Brothers," which ran for over a year on Broadway) he interfaced with a number of playwrights, learning about their craft and becoming more invested in writing. While working on Broadway, Shaun wrote his first pilot, "American Gothic." When the show debuted on CBS, The New York Times called it "The most original new show of the season." After this, Cassidy permanently transitioned behind the camera as a writer and showrunner. He is currently in the midst of a multi-year overall deal with NBC/Universal television. Show less «