Completing the excitement where the last season stops that follows Mort, the wise father of three selfish sons, who lives alone after the death of his wife, who has a horrible secret to tell for his sons, the thing that challenges them, as they know their horrible past. In this new season, Maura is so excited over attending a well known conference at Israel.
Transparent is still capable of telling stories and going to emotional places that no other series can, but the older it gets, the harder it becomes to avoid repeating itself, even in a season that largely takes place halfway around the world.
Transparent succeeds most of the time. The cast - led by Tambor - are terrific as usual. This year there are some rich, funny and moving moments, and the series continues to take chances other shows wouldn't dare.
Season 4 feels like it's caught in an identity crisis of its own doing; not trusting itself to be the beautiful series that doesn't fit neatly into any one box.