It becomes clear why this final season is labeled War of the Damned, and all but guarantees that while [the] fighting will lead to a bitter end, it will lead viewers to the most savory of conclusions.
It's cartoon violence, but it still creates enough blood spurt and spatter that we half expect to find we've stumbled into a crossover episode with "Dexter."
Thus is the genius of Spartacus as a whole, to take what it would dub "grand spectacle" and reduce it to a two-person scene in which two hardened individuals lay themselves emotionally bare.
Here at the Bureau for Solving Problems That May or May Not Be Problems, we have been on high alert all week because of the impending premiere of yet another installment of perhaps the most vile series on television, Spartacus.
Spartacus in fact is what it is - a broadly drawn, visceral feast of blood, guts, lust and lower-rung language. War of the Damned doesn't spare any of it en route to its no doubt hellish conclusion.