The ninth series of the British science fiction extends to an adventure of Vikings, Ghosts and the Daleks. Meanwhile the Doctor is faced with Missy who is ready to plague him again.
A resounding yes. The final farewell between the Doctor and Clara may have teetered onto the wrong side of overwrought, but the story was beautifully played out with yet another stand-out performance from Capaldi.
The oddest thing about "Fear the Raven," and the most interesting, is just how resigned to it all the Doctor seems. Sure, he fights to save Clara, but he also seems to know what's coming.
"Face The Raven" isn't quite perfect, but it's damn close, and it's hard to imagine a finer exit episode for a companion (notwithstanding the fact that I'm still a little dubious that this is Clara's actual exit, but what the hey).
While I love Jenna, she probably should have been written out last season. Clara has been underused and poorly handled this year. What they've done to the character has left a bad taste in my mouth.
The episode does well by everyone involved, giving Clara a memorable exit, while at the same time demonstrating her importance both to the Doctor as a character and to the narrative in terms of the season's overarching themes and ideas.
I am delighted, because the Doctor is finally wearing the purple velvet jacket, and I am devastated, because Clara Oswald is dead. Well, you have to take your pleasures where you can at this difficult time.
Can we talk about how good Capaldi looks in burgundy velvet? The words "damn" and "fine" spring to mind... It's Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor meets Paul Weller and it works. Don't think about the upcoming sadness. Just focus on the jacket.