Driving by his deep will of contacting his wife, Jonathan Rivers, a smart and courageous architect, whose wife is found dead and he wants to know the truth, through contacting her, using electronic waves, the thing that that challenges him, as he calls other supernatural creatures.
White noise is intended to help you fall asleep. White Noise would never let you do that, though. It's far too interested in a cacophony of cheap scares.
Sacramento News & Review
August 07, 2008
Something evil this way comes without much nerve-jangling fanfare (most of the screams came from the soundtrack rather than the audience) or conviction (portal schmortal).
Though I'm well disposed toward elliptical spook stories that depend on the audience's imagination for their jolts and effects, it takes art as well as craft to put them across, and Geoffrey Sax's direction of a Niall Johnson script has neither.