This movie centers around the life story of Chong, a drummer and Cheech, a guitarist, who driving by their admiration for drinking and drugs, leave their houses and accidentally, meet each other in California, the thing that turns their lives down, as they took a van that has drugs inside to go back to home, the thing that brings terrible for them.
As the most fun comes not from watching the movie but from recalling great lines later, it would seem that the audio success of C & C has not translated too well into visuals.
As far as comedic ingredients go, weed is not so much a surefire laugh-getter as it is a free-floating lubricant capable of setting off wicked complications.
This Cheech and Chong weed comedy was dismissed by most critics (and parents) but it was embraced by young viewers and launched the subgenre of "stoner" comedies way before Linklater made Slacker.