It looks like a tragic story that takes place in 2035. The events of that story began when a virus appeared that wiped out most of the earth's inhabitants and the rest lived underground because the air was toxic. After a short while, Prisoner James Cole can get the release but on condition it seems very difficult. If you agree to return in time and collect information about that virus before it's too late, James can get out of this place.
Gilliam goes on to deliver a movie that is not only rich in visual detail but offers an involving, occasionally baffling storyline and builds the tension to positively unbearable levels during the final reel.
Dark and somber like Blade Runner, this sci-fi is a spectacular mess, a convoluted film with too many ideas for its own good, blending (among other things) the virus thriller with the post-apocalyptic genre.
New York Times
May 20, 2003
There's always overripe method to his madness, but in the new 12 Monkeys Mr. Gilliam's methods are uncommonly wrenching and strong.
7M Pictures
March 02, 2011
speculative fiction at its best in that it doesn't just trifle with science fiction concepts, but rather tells a grander story with characters and world disasters