In an attempt to gain the respect and ace themselves from the danger of other violent gangs, the Wanderers, an Italian American gang, that wanders the streets and fights with other gangs, in order to save their honor, but once, when the leader fall in love with a beautiful daughter, whom he finds out to be the daughter of the evil mob boss, incidents go upside down.
Consegue traçar um retrato nostálgico de uma época em que até mesmo as gangues ainda tinham certa inocência.
John J. Puccio
Movie Metropolis
October 07, 2002 once dramatic, funny, tense, exciting, violent, romantic, corny, and in its own contorted way, uplifting, with Kaufman's camera always in motion.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
Spirituality and Practice
January 27, 2004
The Wanderers does a fine job mapping adolescent rebelliousness.