In a story that looks quite different, with two people, Miles Richard and Alistair Ryle, who went to Oxford to study history. Both men may be in a dangerous phase as the two friends soon seized the 'riot club,' a centuries-old secret society dedicated to eating and drinking immorality. In this changing phase of the life of both friends, they seem to emerge from the unconscious world of dances, liquor and sophistication, as Miles and Alistair seem to enjoy the time of their lives in that strange period of their lives.
It's a film that seems to have no further point than to remind us that some powerful jerks were once powerful jerk kids. Point taken, but it's not cinematically satisfying.
[A] lack of subtlety throws the film into a spiral of excess that knocks over any chance at intelligent commentary as it plows forward, drunk on its own narrative.
The Riot Club is, finally, a monster movie. Which I suppose is what some become who are too rich and powerful to be bothered with inhibitions or morality.