In an attempt to save the money needed to support the invention of her husband, Gerry, a smart woman, who falls for her husband, who makes her mind to marry a millionaire to support her husband financially.
Rudy Vallee turns in his best performance as a gentle, puny millionaire named Hackensacker in this brilliant, simultaneously tender and scalding 1942 screwball comedy by Preston Sturges.
It's about as breezy, carefree, and anarchic as romantic comedies get. Full of absurd comedic digressions and bookends that still don't quite make sense, this eccentric road trip comedy would likely never get made in today's Hollywood climate.
Even as Colbert and McCrea trade fast-paced dialogue and fall into each others' arms, they sell their characters' marriage as one whose fire desperately needs tending.
one of the outright funniest movies of its era, a veritable parade of wicked-rapid dialogue, absurdist narrative loops, and socially subversive attitude
This might not be the funniest film of Sturges' brilliant '40s heyday ("The Miracle of Morgan's Creek"), or the most subversively romantic ("The Lady Eve"), or the best made ("Sullivan's Travels"), but it's definitely a censor-baiting treat.