The dramatic incidents of this movie revolve around a disturbed actor, a television show runner, and a famous videos game designer, who by chance have or find their lives intertwined and full of troubles.
The cosmic "resolution" that ties the stories together proves less interesting than the stories themselves.
Paste Magazine
June 08, 2008
August is on solid ground when he's riffing on Stephen King and celebrities, but he's stretching when he tries to be David Lynch, which would require a distinctly different kind of brain damage.
Bright and vicious, desperate and cruel, the characters of the first two stories pop with a kind of nihilistic joie de vivre that makes you want to hug them and kill them at once.
Em sua estréia como diretor de longas, August faz jus à inteligência de seu roteiro intrincado, criando uma história tensa e instigante que surpreende tanto como ficção quanto como reflexão metafísica/religiosa. Além disso, o elenco revela-se fortíssimo.
Cinema Sight
September 30, 2008
An interesting, if high minded, concept film that is nothing without its performers.
This overreaching, Lynch-lite comic drama is the mediocre directorial debut of screenwriter John August ('Charlie's Angels', 'Big Fish') and, if nothing else, demonstrates why some writers should stick to their laptops.