Nate Cooper (Joel David Moore) has never gotten over his first crush from elementary school, Cristabelle (Paris Hilton). Nate moves to L.A. to track down Cristabel, only to discover true beauty is what he truly looks for.
It is excruciatingly, painfully, horribly, terribly awful.
June 01, 2008
I just kept thinking about Daniel Day-Lewis and Marlon Brando when I watched Paris Hilton's acting performance in this film (can you sense the sarcasm?).
Hottie goes from insufferable to downright intolerable. While it pays lip service to inner beauty, the movie winds up as a feature-length advertisement for cosmetic surgery.
A person famous only because of the intense lack of basic decency with which she has pursued fame would obviously want to play the most beautiful conceivable human being.
Imagine the worst movie you've ever seen. Got it? Now try to think of something worse. That something is this movie -- wretched, embarrassing and a waste of the time and energy of everyone involved.
May 19, 2008
The sort of comedy that could only have been produced by aliens whose only knowledge of earth comes from, VH1 reality shows, and Dane Cook movies.
Hard time in the joint can change a person. Make them worse sometimes. And it would appear that this is Hilton's idea of revenge on a world she feels has done her wrong.
A stark yet comforting reminder that cold, hard cash is no substitute for cold, hard talent. 'The Hottie and the Nottie' is an execrable Z-grade eugenics parable moonlighting as a sexy, disposable date movie.