The fictional film follows Harry and his petrol drinking Nan as well as their ill hamster on a road trip. Harry's twin Otto is the villian causing all the problems and incidents to the three.
The Happy Pill Movie would more accurately describe what is a uniquely British and deliriously silly excuse to sit back eating pick 'n' mix toffees as garishly coloured as Harry's house.
Viewers who don't care for Hill's brand of wacky madness probably won't make it past the opening mobility-scooter race... but even fans will have to admit that the story runs out of gas long before the Blackpool Tower looms into view.
What's missing is any persuasive comic force or vision to justify the film's place in cinemas rather than in petrol station bargain bins, or on bank-holiday afternoon TV.
A broad and resolutely silly film that has moments of oddball pleasure but in the end feels like an extended series of skits that eventually run out of steam.
This has big laughs (if not nearly enough of them) and wild ideas - provided you're tuned into Hill's idiosyncratic brand of slyly subversive, surreally silly seaside slapstick.