Struggling against saving the life of his wife and daughter, Elliot Moore, a high school science teacher, who does his best, in order to find out a clear explanation in the strange incidents that begin to took place lately, in order to avoid such danger, but the loses increased rapidly and the life of people become in great danger.
The Happening is an awful letdown, yet it leaves you with something new, as a gently waving tree -- that classical image of pastoral tranquillity -- mutates into a harbinger of doom.
For reasons still unknown, Shyamalan wrote the dialogue this stiffly, and instructed his performers to act like they'd never said words or interacted with each other before.
All that's missing is the head alien of Plan 9 From Outer Space dropping by to lecture the populace for disrespecting nature: 'Your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!'
For a movie with the potential for so much global-warming electricity, it's disappointingly low on voltage.
Ebert & Roeper
June 16, 2008
It almost dares you to roll your eyes or laugh at certain scenes that are supposed to be deadly serious. But, you know what, I appreciated this creatively offbeat, daring sci-fi mind-trip.
April 17, 2015
The Happening is his first hilariously awful film.
At first, a great deal happens, then nothing much happens for quite some time, then something so underwhelming happens that one is left wondering, 'Did that really just happen?'