A 16-year-old cancer patient, meets Gus Waters, a comparatively harrowed high schooler from her disease support group. Hazel feels that Gus truly comprehends her.
The film has enough charm and humor to keep it appealing to a wide audience, and dumbing things down doesn't feel particularly smart or canny, and proves to be a minor distraction to an otherwise majorly entertaining feature.
Woodley is one of our most interesting young actors-even though her post-Spectacular Now material has been subpar, this included-and they're great together. Even if you don't believe it for a second (nope), you're going to cry.
Far from the shameless emotional pummeling it might have been, this adaptation of John Green's cherished YA cancer drama finds a conduit to earned, understated tears -- a tricky accomplishment given the material.
"The Fault in Our Stars" may not show the true messiness of cancer, but it does grapple with death and the ability to survive great loss. Maybe that's enough truth for one movie.