Vic and Danny plan to kipnap a girl named Alice Creed. They turn a apartment into a prison and keep that girl inside. But before they can recieve ransom, everything happens not according to plan. Although he loves Alice but the ransom of &2 million dim his eyes.
And unlike many filmmakers who make movies to take pictures, Blakeson is interested in his players. His three principals deliver convincingly messy, ambiguous performances.
What first-time director Blakeson does with this very familiar situation is cut it to the bone. Not only is there very little fat on this body, there's barely a skeleton.
Like all top-notch best thrillers, The Disappearance of Alice Creed is a suspense-filled caper flick with enough twists and turns to leave the audience gasping and guessing until its final moments.
The performances are nervy and vulnerable, lifting the material when Blakeson gets caught up in a few staring contests to pad out the film. At least in the first act, there's a real sense of threat.
The Disappearance of Alice Creed begins with a van being stolen and ends with a different stolen vehicle being driven away. In between comes a tight, efficient thriller with just three actors and at least two whopper switcheroos.