Eric faces a bad path in his life because of being a violent teenager. As time goes on, Eric falls into a bad window while meeting up with another teenager with the same problem. One day, Eric meets his father again as his life changes and changes completely.
The British prison movie Starred Up has the excitement of a nonstop psychological cage fight, but its goal is enlightenment, not terror or cheap thrills.
"Starred Up" manages to be sympathetic, not only because of O'Connell's galvanizing turn, but also Asser and director David Mackenzie's unwavering commitment to portraying his character with as much compassion as brutal honesty.
O'Connell's physicality as an actor--coiled intensity, searing stares, brooding fury, sudden violence--is blazingly showcased here. And it always feels as if we're caught up in among resentments, flare-ups, even long-running relationships of convenience.
Mackenzie is seeking to understand how all this explosive male energy can co-exist under such brutal conditions, and the answer is with great difficulty.